Monday, June 1, 2009

Hank Bounds to be named IHL Commissioner

The Mississippi Education Blog has learned that State Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds will be named commissioner of the IHL.

This is an unbelievable loss for Mississippi K-12 education. While we do not agree wuth nor understand this decision, we wish Dr. Bounds well in this endeavor.


  1. The IHL doesn't know what it's in for......

  2. Holy crap if this is true.

  3. Dr. Bounds has done a wonderful job as state superintendent! While it is a loss for our schools, I know he will do just as well as IHL commissioner. He is a leader in education reform. Congratulations Dr. Bounds!

  4. everything seems to be pointing this way. Good scoop.

  5. Congratulations Dr. Bounds...Wish you all the best!
    The new Superintendent should be innovative, progressive, and someone with a vision. Lee Childress would be such an individual. Dr. Childress has all the qualities of one that will move Mississippi forward in all areas of education.

  6. I hope Dr. Bounds will do a better job at the IHL than he did with the Meridian High mess. Maybe he has done all he can do within his office as superintendent, but he should not leave office without sending a message to Meridian Public School superintendent that he should remove the principal and teacher involved in the copying and distribution of a state test. Maybe he cannot legally tell Meridian's superintendent what to do, but he could get the mssage across in some way. If he cannot do it, he needs to strongly encourage the Attorney General to prosecute to the fullest. What arrogance these Meridian administrators, superintent, and school board members have to believe they are above the law!

    If Meridian's public is not going to demand more, educators around the state need to! Clarion Ledger, where is your investigation reporting on this issue? Shame on all of us if we allow this to be swept under the rug. A sad day for public education if this goes unpunished.

  7. This tells me, as an educator, that I can do what I want to do with the test. If nothing is done to the educators in Meridian, then there need not be anything done to others around the state. Those of you who have lost your jobs and licenses need to be in the State Department Monday morning to demand yours be reinstated. The warnings on the website are meaningless! The position of the State Superintendent is nothing but a figure-head! They want the tests taught and passed??? Now we know the secret to doing it. Educators of state tests - have at it; they don't DARE say anything to you after the little 'brushed-over' incident in Meridian..

  8. Thank you IHL! Now maybe we can get a State Superintendent who will tend to the business of the schools. So many have unfinished business and cannot reach him or his office to get answers. He has been out of the loop for some time now and now we know - he was chasing bigger and better things! May the next one really do the job required - like state testing violations in Meridian, MS!! What a disgrace...

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